Jadavpur University Premier public research university in Kolkata, West Bengal Jadavpur University is a public state university located in Kolkata, West Bengal , India National Council of Education, Bengal University of Calcutta is one of the three universities in early modern India, the other two being Bombay (now Mumbai) and Madras University. It was set up by the British in Calcutta in 1861 as a means of spreading western philosophical thought among the elite in India. It also aimed to create, in the words of Lord Macaulay, "a class of persons Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect. " This initiative was furthered by the passing of the Universities Act of 1904. This resulted in the reorganization of the Calcutta University's Senate and Syndicate by the nomination of more white members into them, which in turn would enable the government to control its policies. University Type -...